Reimbursement of expenses
Reimbursement of expenses
Research Budget
PhD Candidates with scholarship (specific types of scholarships may have different provisions) have an annual research budget of € 1.624. Upon approval of the Academic Board, eligible expenses include travel, conference and seminars fees, research tools, consumables (e.g. audio-visual media, photocopies…), publication fees, specific training aimed at research (e.g. language courses).
From cycle 38 onward, the PhD candidates can benefit of the research funds from the first year.
Please note that the annual budget can be accumulated with the funds of the following years if not spent entirely, however the annual budget cannot be request in advance. Ex. Every year a PhD candidate can request maximum 1.624 euro; in case they claim for € 1.300, during the following years, they have at their disposal € 1.624 (year X funds) + € 324 (residual from the year X funds).
Reimbursement procedure
The refund request procedure requires fulfillment according to the following steps:
- fill in the “Request form” indicating details of each item of expenditure made with the relative amount (please use only the form that you can find on this page);
- submit an online request through this link by attaching:
- the filled and signed “Request form”, previously converted into PDF;
- the poster of the conference and/or the paper presented;
and/or - the documentation relating to the expenses made by the end of the reference year in which the expenses were made (for example, the receipts of the expenses made in year X must be presented to the Office by the end of year X).
All these documents will be presented to the Academic Board for approval.
Please note:
- do not send duplicate/multiple copies of the same receipts;
- present the original expense receipts, or print the receipts only in the case of payments made online and/or by credit card;
- present nominal expense receipts: the expense receipts must be made out to the person requesting the reimbursement.
- If you have changed you IBAN number rembember to send us even the “Information Sheet“
All files (such as invoices and receipts) should be converted to PDF format and compressed into a .zip folder by following the procedure that you can find in this guide.
Procedure to create a .zip folder
All these documents must be sent to this office by the following two steps:
- Filling the link previously mentioned;
- By ordinary mail at Luiss Guido Carli, Viale Romania, 32 – Phd & Education Funding Office (Room 417).
The administrative procedures will start as soon as we received the documents both online and physically.