Recently Defended PhDs

Anna Ascani – 13 June 2024

The Influence of International Actors on the Education System in Italy and Impact on Accountability. (Cycle 32)

Stefan Michele Barratt13 December 2023

Culture in populism: assessing when populism can be a problematic form of cultural affiliations within democracy. (Cycle 35)

Ermes Antonucci – 1 December 2023

History of the Italian judiciary in the Republican period: between institutional continuity and change (1948-2020). (Cycle 35)

Federico Trastulli – 6 November 2023

The Determinants of Intrafamily Ideological Differentiation: Western European Social Democracy Between 1990 and 2019. (Cycle 35)

Carlo Marsonet – 2 November 2023

Christopher Lasch: The Making of an American Anti-Capitalist Conservative. (Cycle 35)

Andrea Capati – 3 October 2023

European Integration in the Pandemic Era: A Critical Junctures Analysis. (Cycle 35)

Marco Improta – 8 September 2023

Government stability in Western Europe: a comparative analysis.

Felix Okwa – 20 March 2023

Dynamics of Social Norms: Pluralistic Ignorance and Risky Sexual Behaviour in Nigeria.

Jan Kermer – 19 January 2023

Debating Europe and Discursive (Euro-)Nationalism: Comparative Representative Claims
Analysis of European Debates Prior to and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Dutch, German, Italian and Polish Newspapers.

Ludovic Bonduel – 13 January 2023

Instituting the Common(s) in the Digital Age: Between Politics and Technology.

Mattia Zunino – 20 October 2022

The Political Party in the Paradigm of Crisis. The Case of the Socialist Tradition Political Parties in Southern Europe. A Comparative Study.

Laurence Marquis – 11 October 2022

The Role of the European Union in the Systemic Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in International and Regional Trade Agreements: Bridging the gap between ISDS and EU Values for Arbitrator Ethics With the Investment Court System and the Multilateral Investment Court.

Giulia Letizia Melideo – 11 October 2022

The Regime of the Colonels in Greece (1967-1974). Between the EEC and NATO.

Irene Landini – 8 July 2022

Welfare chauvinism and social policy: how politicians justify migrants’ exclusion from social programs in Western Europe.

Akif Cem Ozkardes – 20 May 2022

The Policy Roots of Left-Wing Euroscepticism: Responsiveness Against Responsibility in Southern European Ruling Parties.

Megan Foster – 25 June 2020

Legitimacy and stability in the era of globalization: toward a political conception of human rights.

Lucia Ponzo – 25 June 2020

Il Back Channel Kissinger/Dobrynin (1969-1972): prove di normalizzazione tra le due superpotenze.

Letizia Zingoni – 23 June 2020

National Security Implication of Chinese FDIs United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France as host states (2006-2016)”

Sara Venditti – 18 June 2020

New Wings for Europe Western European Strategic Cooperation and Integration in the Aerospace Field: Ariane and Eurofighter, 1973–1985

Margherita Galassini – 16 June 2020

Religion and Liberal Legitimacy

Tiziano Zgaga – 4 June 2020

The fiscal regime of the European Union and its autonomy from the Member States: a comparative federal analysis

Alessio Calabrò – 2018

Neo-Pan-Islamism in Turkey: foreign policy discourse of Turkey’s Islamist thinkers and parties (1970s-1990s).

Luca Carrieri – 2018

Beyond the Left-Right dimension? The impact of European integration on West European party politics.

Mattia Casula – 2018

Economic Growth and Cohesion Policy Implementation in Italy and Spain: Institutions, Strategic Choices, Administrative Change.

Carlos Domper – 2018

Elections under dictatorship: Francoism and the New State in comparative perspective, 1945-1975.

Manfredi Mangano – 2018

The History of Relations between Tito’s Yugoslavia and Western European Socialdemocracy, 1948-1965.

Silvia Mocchi – 2018

Mosques in Europe: between Toleration and Respect. A study of the 2015 Lombardy Law for Places of Worship.

Giorgia Priorelli – 2018

The Idea of Nation in Fascism and Falangism.

Alessandro Rico – 2018

A Conservative Theory of Political Obligation