Elections and Political Systems (Cluster I)

The research cluster on Elections and Political Systems engages with and supports research on different fields within the framework of political systems: elections, public opinion, and voting behaviour; political parties and party systems; political institutions and elites. The cluster encourages collaborations across different disciplines (e.g., Political Science, History, Public Law), methodological approaches (theoretical or empirical, qualitative or quantitative, small-N or large-N studies), and perspectives (domestic or comparative ones).

Coordinated by: Vincenzo Emanuele (vemanuele@luiss.it)

Keywords: elections, voting behavior, political parties, party systems, political institutions, social structures, interest groups, political elites, public opinion.

Members: Davide Angelucci, Matteo Boldrini, Vera Capperucci, Lorenzo De Sio, Jessica Di Cocco, Vincenzo Emanuele (coordinator), Mattia Gatti, Marco Improta, Marc Lazar, Nicola Lupo, Bruno Marino, Zeynep Mentesoglu Tardivo, Giovanni Orsina, Gaetano Quagliariello, Federico Trastulli.