Mattia Gatti

Mattia Gatti is a PhD Candidate in Politics at Luiss Guido Carli. He was awarded a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a master’s degree in Government and Policies at Luiss Guido Carli. His research interests focus on voting and party behaviour in Western Europe, analyzed in a comparative perspective. The working title of his thesis is “Filling The Political Supply Gap? Western European Radical Left Parties Targeting the Left Authoritarians’ Quadrant”.
Ph.D. Candidate at Luiss University (2022-2026)
Master’s Degree in Public Policies, Luiss Guido Carli. (2021)
B.A. in Political Science, Luiss Guido Carli. (2019)
Career service specialist in the field of job placement.
Research interests:
Public opinion; political representation; party and voting behaviour; populism.
Gatti, Mattia. 2022. A new candidate-based system in the Italian regions? An analysis of personal vote in Campania, Emilia-Romagna, and Veneto. CISE. Available here.
Accorinti, Marco and Gatti, Mattia. 2020. Welfare system and volunteering in Spain and Italy: evolution and institutional context. National Research Council of Italy – Institute for research on population and social policies (IRPPS Working papers) 116.
Gatti, Mattia. 2019. The Spadolini governments and the crisis of the Italian political system. I edition. Perugia: SBC edizioni.
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