About us

The programme is coordinated by Prof.Thomas Christiansen and governed by an Academic Board bringing together an international group of scholars, from among members of the department as well as professors from other institutions. The Academic Board takes key policy decisions and its members are also available as potential supervisors for PhD candidates.

The PhD Coordinator and the Academic Board are being supported by the programme’s PhD Tutor and the colleagues in the University’s PhD Office.

Every year, five or six new PhD candidates join our PhD community who participate in, and contribute to, the vibrant academic life in our department. This includes involvement in regular Young Researchers’, Clusters’, and Departmental research seminars, the organisation of an Annual Post-graduate Conference and participation in international academic events.

Upon defence of their PhD thesis in front of a jury composed of internal and external examiners, our PhD candidates graduate with a PhD in Politics and go on to a wide range of careers in the public and private sector.

Through R.D. n. 242 of July 10, 2024, has been elected the new Doctoral Representative, Mark Andreas Felix.