Upcoming Events

2024- Annual Postgraduate Conference

The Annual Postgraduate Conference, organised within the framework of the PhD Programme in Politics at LUISS University, is dedicated to the Phd Candidates and Postdoctoral Research Fellows from the Department of Political Science, offering them an important opportunity to discuss their research among their peers and with the professors of the Department in a stimulating and welcoming environment.

See this year’s programme here.

2023- Virtual Open Day

Are you considering applying for our PhD Programme in Politics? Join us online for a Virtual Open Day to learn more about the opportunities we offer and speak to potential supervisors! On Tuesday, 5 December you will have the chance to learn more about Luiss University, life in Rome and about the PhD in Politics.

Professor Thomas Christiansen, the Programme Coordinator, and the other members of the Academic Board will be online to provide detailed information and answer your questions!

Our PhD in Politics is designed for researchers who want to work in academia or pursue a professional career in international institutions, NGOs, public and private research institutes, and political communication.

Sign up here.


Departmental Research Seminar Series

The Research Seminar is a core activity of the Luiss Department of Political Science. It offers a unique opportunity to discuss the ongoing research of leading international scholars invited by the Department, as well as an occasion to get acquainted with the work of the visiting professors at Luiss University.

For the schedule of the Departmental Research Seminars and the Research Cluster Seminars, please see: https://scienzepolitiche.luiss.it/seminari/calendario-dei-seminari-aa-2023-2024


New DiSP Young Researchers’ Seminar Series

The New DiSP Young Researchers’ Seminars are held regularly in both semesters and they provide a forum for presentation of work in progress, be it by members of the PhD community, Postdoctoral fellows, or invited speakers, as well as an opportunity to discuss academic and administrative matters of mutual concern. Watch this space for the programme of the I Semester, a.y. 2023-2024.