Hailing from the tropical island of Bali, Shima Trisna made her mark on the business economics circuit by being one of the few to combine data science and creative industries. Currently pursuing a doctorate degree in Luiss Guido Carli, her research focuses on the genesis of disruptive innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution using the examples from the creative and cultural industries.

Prior to her appointment as a PhD candidate at Luiss, Shima worked as a Data Analyst at the World Bank, an Independent Consultant at Asian Development Bank, and a Junior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. Her work has touched various fields, ranging from economic development to social innovation. Committed to solve economics problems, she employs data driven analysis and creativity to unlock all opportunities.

Shima holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Gadjah Mada University and a bachelor’s degree in Law from UIN Sunan Kalijaga, both with the highest honours (cum laude). She received her interdisciplinary master’s in Global Economy from the University of Glasgow, where she was an awardee of Erasmus+ scholarship and granted the opportunity to study in the University of Glasgow, University of Barcelona, and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Working intensively with the academics, government, and practitioners has armed her with micro and macroeconomics data analysis skills, multidisciplinary point of view, and an ‘it-can-be-done’ attitude that stays with her ever throughout her career.

Shima is open to any industrial, organizational, and governmental collaborations or research opportunities throughout her doctoral study.

Selected presentations:

  1. Trisna, S. (2021). Financing the Creative and Cultural Industries. KEN Webinar, Gadjah Mada University: Yogyakarta.
  2. Trisna, S. (2020). A Glimpse of Creative and Cultural Industries in Indonesia. KEN Webinar, Gadjah Mada University: Yogyakarta.
  3. Trisna, S. (2015). Ramadanomics: How the Fasting Month Affect Economic Growth in Indonesia at the International Conference of Economics and Religious Diversity. Georg-August University: Göttingen.
  4. Trisna, S. (2015). Fashionomics: Jakarta as the Global Capitol of Muslim Fashion at the Student Mobility Programme. University of Western Australia: Perth.




Organizational Theory, Disruptive Innovation, Quantitative Research Methods, Mixed Research Methods and Business Economics.


Research Interests

Business economics, international economics, organization theory, innovation, data science, creative industries, coding


Prof. Luca Giustiniano