Esli Spahiu

Esli Spahiu is a PhD student in Management at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome, Italy.  Her doctoral research concerns the application and adoption of blockchain as an alternative to current practices and its effects on the governance and architecture of platforms and infrastructures.

Since joining the PhD program, she has also served as a research assistant for CLIO- Center for Leadership, Innovation and Organizations at LUISS and as teacher assistant for different courses such as Project Management, Organizational Design, Organizational issues in Marketing and Sales and International Human Resource Management.

Prior to arriving at LUISS she received her MSc. Degree in Strategic Marketing from Imperial College London with a strong focus on technology adoption and data-driven decision making in multinational firms and organizations.  She also holds a dual degree with a B.A. in Management and B.A. in Political Science and International Relations.

Interests: Blockchain, Digital Transformation, Public Sector Innovation

Supervisor: Paolo Spagnoletti
