Bando PNRR – Missione 4 – a.a. 2023-24

PhD in Economics XXXIX cycle – NRRP – OpenEconomics (Expired)

We invite applications for a competition by way of comparative evaluation for n. 1 place on the XXXIX cycle of research doctoral program in Economics, within NRRP, M4 C2 13.3 “Introduction of innovative PhDs that address the innovation needs of enterprises and promote the recruitment of researchers in enterprises”.

Please note: Acceptance of the places implies acceptance of the conditions, activities and rules established by in the Callthe Annex C and Data Sheet C;

Please check here for details of the Call for Applications (English version)
Please check here for details of the Call for Applications (Italian version)
Please check here for Annex C (English version)
Please check here for Allegato C (Italian version)
Please check here for Data Sheet C (English version)
Please check here for Scheda Tecnica (Italian version)

R.D n. 293 of 2 August 2023, regarding the results of the selection process for the above -mentioned call is available here.

Please click here to see the list of the candidates admitted to the Oral Exam.

R.D. n. 235 of July 10th, 2023 regarding the composition of the evaluation Committee has been published and it is available here.