Domenico Di Prisco

Domenico di Prisco is a Ph.D. student in Management. Previously, Domenico has attended the courses of politic science and business management in Sapienza university. During the time of the study Domenico have been head boy, actively contributing to the integration of the education provided by the faculty, also teaching in seminars aimed at spreading knowledge about new emerging technologies, with particular to Blockchain technology.


His research focuses on the discontinuity potential of technology in organizational field, with particular concern to the arise of new decentralized organizations and to the subsequent declination of the processes of sensemaking and meaningfulness in such structures.


Previously, Domenico has been working as consultant in different multinational contexts such as KPMG and Morrow Sodali.



Simone C.,, di Prisco, D. (2020). Una blockchain europea per la gestione dei fondi strutturali europei: dallo scenario attuale ad una proposta implementativaCorporate governance and research & development studies, 1. DOI:

Di Prisco, D. (2019). Blockchain and AI: The technological revolution’s impact on corporate governance relationships. New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice, 368-381.

Areas of specialization: Leadership and sensemaking in decentralized organizations and social contexts; New decentralized organizational forms.

Interests: Qualitative Research; Leadership; Organizational well-being; Job meaningfulness and sensemaking; Trust and cooperation between individuals and organizations; Blockchain Technology; Algorithmic Governance; New paradigms for knowledge sharing, Ethic and Sustainability.

Supervisor: Luigi Marengo
