Alba D’Aniello

Alba D'Aniello

Alba D’Aniello is a PhD Student in Management at Luiss University.  Since 2015 she works as Teaching Assistant for different courses at Luiss such as Marketing, Digital Marketing, Business and Marketing Analytics,  Marketing Plan and Markstrat Simulation, Marketing Metrics and Brand Management. She also collaborates with the Luiss-X.ITE Research Center as research assistant for both scientific and applied research projects and she also contributes to the general management of the research centre.
Her main research interest is consumer behaviour and sustainability in all its nuances: How do consumers evaluate sustainable products and packages? How to boost sustainable and healthier consumers’ choices?

Subjects: consumer behavior, sustainability, health, packaging, technology, nudging

Supervisor: Matteo De Angelis – Carmela Donato

Interests: Sustainability, Music, Songwriting
